Is being being old and unmarried something that would cripple me? Asks Mampi

She writes…

You see, to me this old age is a blessing.I pray that you will be as fit as this grandma when you are my age.It might be an insult you use to throw at me as way of relieving yourselves from life challenging situations..But,I thank God the Lord for the gift of life.

I lost my mum to cancer,a sister hit by a car and died on the spot, She died young. Way younger. I would have loved to see her live as long as I have lived. I would have loved for people to call her old at my age.

Lost Another sister after a short illness ,my father and young brother were brutally murdered (2003).

Two years ago a nephew that was named after my Father and young brother Francis Mukape salifyanji a 13 year old boy who was as good as my son collapsed and died..experiences that traumatize me to this day.

Surely you think being alive,unmarried and old is something that would cripple me ?? No.ask about me.

Try those tricks on your mothers,sisters and brothers..I don’t play vulnerable games,my first instinct is to survive and not to wake up next to somebody especially when I’m fully aware of the inevitable 🙏🏿 I live a life of favor let me enjoy it.blessings have every reason to follow me all the way up.


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