Newly-wed uncovers cache of ARV pills

A LUSAKA man has been beaten by his wife in a confrontation that ensued after he discovered that she was allegedly secretly taking anti-retro viral therapy drugs (ARVs).

Mr Steve (Surname withheld) is nursing life threatening injuries to his head after being whacked with timber in the marital confrontation at his home.

And the man, a former Catholic brother, left the Brotherhood of Charity in Johannesburg and married his Zambian lover, “the first woman I slept with.”

Steve is regretting having left the Brotherhood of Charity for what he thought would marital bliss. In his short marriage, Steve says, he has been assaulted three times and it was this third time that broke his ‘pride’ and he decided to report to Chilenje Police.

This is Steve’s story in his own words:

I feel pity for my life that after leaving God’s calling as a Catholic brotherhood member, I have found myself in a situation like this one where I’m now being assaulted by my wife after I found her taking ARVs secretly.

I have since reported her to Chilenje police station and want justice to prevail.



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