Macdonald Chipenzi


For the second time after the 10 years, PF and ECL shunned the Indepedence Day Celebrations just like they did with their own created 18th Oct Day of Prayer, Repentance, Reconciliation and Thanksgiving.

Second time because during PF in opposition for 10 years (2001-2011) PF shunned these celebrations but repented after winning the elections in 2011 and started attending the celebrations.

Sadly, after the 2021 electoral defeat, PF and ECL has backslidden to their original state of shunning state functions even when invited.

Where is the patriotism they preached to those who shunned these days when they were in power?

Where is the Christianity which they claimed to have when they were in power which led to them declaring a Day of Prayers and building of a Temple in one of the Forest Reserve?

If politicians only become Christians when in campaigns and in power and politicians regard these days only important to be observed by them when in power, then better we reflect on their continued observance and commemorations.

Now the UPND has also repented after being in power and started observing and commentating these days through state functions, it will be wrong to stop when out of power.

ECL and PF were wrong to backslide on these national days but should have displayed the spirit of a nationalist like Bo Inonge Wina, Mwata Enock Kavindele and Ba NEVERS Mumba.

In future, let independence be celebrated in villages by our leaders not Lusaka nowonder people gatecrash.

I submit

McDonald Chipenzi


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