levy mwanawasa

The reason why the late President Levy Patrick Mwanawasa popularly know as “ICHIBUMBA” was called as lawyer wama lawyer and crowned him as among the best lawyers ever in Zambia is very simple.The reason is whenever the late President was on the bench to adjudicate or excute legal issues his priority was not necessarily about money or fame as purse but was to look at the case from the MORALITY and INTERGRITY aspect. But Son of HH what do you mean or insinuating here?Well what I mean or rather insinuating is that “MORALITY” and “INTERGRITY” is paramount or cardinal as that borders or encamps on ethical and professional norms.

The issue of Concourt’s latest verdict or ruling on President ECL’s eligibility has left us with tight lipped because the judges that we entrusted and delegated with our responsibilities to excute or define the clause using their legal minds based on the proper ethics and professionalism anchored on “MORALITY”and “INTERGRITY” ve lamentably failed us.
The latest Concourt has contradicted what is in both the 1996 and 2016 Amended Constitution and therefore it is not absolutely in tandem with the ruling.The lacunas that are there should not give someone a leeway to manipulate the clause based on IMMORTALITY and UNINTERGRITY.

Just like in the Bible we ve seemingly different scriptures on one issue at times contradicting the other one but we intelligently harmonize the scriptures based on MORALITY and INTERGRITY without forgetting who we are as Children of God and I believe the Concourt Judges could ve risen above the occasion and do the same thing i.e to diagnose and scrutinize at it from the bigger or broader perspective.

In other words going by the bogus Concourt ruling,I would say that the Concourt has misguided itself and gone astray by authenticating and rubberstamping indirectly the “THIRD TERM” that which is not in tandem with the constitution or simply unconstitutional.Let us critically look or decipher it going by their narrow thinking,since ECL completed only Sata’s term for Two years which is off course less than 5yrs for a stipulated term…now are they telling us that if ECL wins (of course we know that he won’t win) in 2021 it Will imply that he is going to rule for 12yrs and the other question that may arose is that does that consists of two terms 10yrs or 12yrs which is more than the 2 terms which is 10yrs or what?

On the other hand I feel that the Concourt only ruled on the “term of office “ but did not dwell or delve on “ECL’s eligibility” just like what our friend the Brilliant and learned Keith Mweemba said.The Concourt should ve adequately dealt with firstly the “TERM OF OFFICE and secondly ECL’S ELIGIBILITY and then harmonize them like we do in scriptures and then subsequently pass the ruling unlike what they did to rule on single sidedly
When Dr Nevers Mumba has been preaching for about more than 23 or 24yrs the need to ve MORALITY and INTERGRITY in the every areas of our life this is what he meant and some of you could ve attacked Dr Nevers Mumba but guess what he saw it prophetically.

Based all those issues I ve highlighted with due respect allow me to honour posthumously this son of the Soil called the late President Levy Patrick Mwanawasa as one of the best lawyer/Attorney and no wonder his law firm was not closed at one time or embroidered in controversies that could ve compromised him as a lawyer.Bashi Chipo in your absential We salute you ,we say hats off and we give you the standing ovation for your examplary duties that you rendered relentlessly and effortlessly to our country based on intergrity and morality.They called you the Cabbage ignorantly but you proved them otherwise that you steak that is full of life and proactive.Trully you died as a real State Counsel worth emulating.

You allowed the institutions to work autonomously and inturn that skyrocketed democratic tenets and multipartisim in Zambia as enshrined in the preamble of the constitution.Suffice to say that I’m not just honouring you because I’m equally called “Bashi Chipo” but candidly based on your services of delivery you rendered to this country effortlessly and relentlessly even though your health was weak and unfailing you.We love you Sir and continue resting In Peace.


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